Beyonce banned from visiting the" Egyptian pyramids" for her rude & stupid behaviour

Zahi Hawass, Egypt's former head of antiquities, claims he
banned Beyonce from visiting the Pyramids after her
'stupid and rude' behaviourin 2009
Now, in a new interview with The Independent,66yr old
Hawass said ...
"Most people I take on tours are very nice and we
become friends. But this lady...She said she would
come at 3pm but she came late. I said "You have to
say I'm sorry I'm late". But she didn't open her mouth.I
brought a photographer and she also had a
photographer and a guard. When my photographer
started to shoot, he said "No, Stop! I am the one who
says yes or no, not you!"I said: "In that case since you
almost hit my photographer and you are not polite -
out! I am not giving you the privilege of having you on
my tour!" I said Beyoncé was stupid and I left."
However, Beyonce's rep told E! News the story was a
'This never happened. The last time she was in Egypt
was on tour in 2009. Nothing like this happened. Lies
and more lies.'
Hawass is a controversial figure who has been criticised
for his love of the spotlight. During the interview, he
boasted about his fame.
'People attack me because I am famous. When I took
President Obama to Giza, the camel driver recognised
me and he asked "But who is the friend of Hawass?"
When I gave a lecture at your Dome of the Millennium
1,700 came to hear me. Bill Clinton got 700.'
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