He's in a wheelchair, and gets money by making you feel sorry for him. Gary Thompson, says he rakes in 60,000 to 100,000 dollars a year begging. But his sob story is a sham, and he admitted it to LEX 18. Since our story first aired about Thompson, complaints have poured into our newsroom. "It's offensive;" "It's disturbing;" "It's just plain sad;" those are some of the comments viewers have shared who say they believed Thompson, and gave him money. He is in a wheelchair, because he has difficulty walking, but his speech isn't slurred and his arms are fully functioning. Thompson is not the man he makes himself out to be. "I appreciate you guys busting me," Thompson says as he laughs. "Yeah, I'm really good at it, really good. I clear about 100,000 dollars a year doing this." Thompson goes on to tell us, "I am normal, it just helps to be mentally handicapped." "Helps" with his business. Thompson...